Thursday, May 19, 2011

A FIRST but many will follow

Garrett is just moving right along in the developmental stage, things he is doing as of now:

-Rolling Over (Back to Stomach and Stomach to Back)
-Rolling (Multiple times to get to something)
-Army Crawling
-Eating Cereal (w/ Banana added is his FAVORITE)
-Reaching and Grabbing Toys
-Laughing (He is very ticklish too!)
-Sitting up with support

Garrett is not a happy baby all the time, but when he is its so fun! He loves to be sang to and talked to. He loves to be smiled at and gives you a huge one back. He loves to wrestle with his big brother and thinks he is the coolest person in the world. He loves baths and loves to cuddle (ALL THE TIME).

1 comment:

  1. So good to catch up with you on your blog! Thanks for inviting me. Your boys are absolutely adorable! They seem like such a joy!!
