Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best Buds

Aaden and Garrett get along so well. There is not a time that Aaden can't put a smile on G's face and there is not a time that Aaden doesn't have a smile on when he is around his little brother. I hope they stay like this. I hope they stay best friends and look out for each other. I hope they can entertain and teach each other throughout this life and the next. I couldn't imagine not having them in our lives and apart of our family. I love them to pieces and enjoy teaching and taking care of them everyday and all day. Life as a stay at home mom is perfect for me! I am so blessed I have the opportunity to stay home and Richard makes that possible for us. I would hate to think I would miss times like these and not let them hang out in their p.j.'s all day. Thank you honey, I love you! And I know the boys will appreciate your hard work when they see what it takes for their mommy to stay home. I pray that my boys will grow up and want to work hard and get an education so that their wives will also have the pleasure of staying home and taking care of their little ones.
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